Disability Blogger Award by Chronillicles

On Friday afternoon, I was told that I had been nominated for an award. Cheshire cat grin here! The award is a disability blogger award, which was created by Georgina from the Chronillicles blog. Georgina decided that chronic illness bloggers need more recognition, so decided to start a new award – The Disability Blogger Award.

Disability Blogger award

This Disability Blogging Award is for any blogger whose niche is disability, chronic illness, mental illness or special needs.

The Disability Blogger Award Rules

  • Thank your nominator
  • Recognise Georgina from Chronillicles as the creator of this award and link her URL – https://www.chronillicles.com
  • Use the Disability Blogger Award logo somewhere in your post
  • Copy these rules onto your post
  • Answer your nominators questions
  • Write 5 – 15 of your own questions (they don’t need to be illness related)
  • Nominate 5 – 15 other disability, chronic illness, mental illness or special needs bloggers
  • Comment on each of your nominees’ latest posts to tell them they have been nominated

So first of all, a huge thank you to the Georgina from Chronillicles who nominated me. I am honoured and flattered to be included in Georgina’s list of bloggers.

Georgina is only seventeen years old and lives with chronic illness. She wanted to start a blog to express her feelings about herself and her illness and to reach out to fellow chronic illness patients. As well as blogging, Georgina is a musician and a photographer.

Please do click onto Georgina’s blog to take a look and follow her.

Here Are Georgina’s Questions and My Answers :

Why did you decide to start blogging and why did you decide on your niche?

The reason for my niche – it’s the subject I know most about. I’ve lived with chronic pain most of my life, and try to live as best I can with a smile on my face. It’s not always easy but over the years, I’ve learned things which help me. I wanted to share some of those things with other people who also live with chronic pain. At one point I thought I could write a book on living positively despite the pain. Then last year I realised that would never happen, so instead, I created my Despite Pain blog.

What are your top five tips on coping with your illness/disability?

  1. Be kind to yourself – you’re worth it.
  2. Don’t put yourself on a guilt trip.
  3. Use relaxation techniques and distractions to get through hard days.
  4. Try to focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t.
  5. Find people to talk to about your pain and your feelings – doctors, therapists, friends, family or support groups. It’s always better to offload, than let things build up inside.

Where would your dream holiday be and why?
My dream holiday would be in New Zealand. For as long as I’ve known my husband, he has wanted to visit that beautiful country. He is so enthusiastic about it and his enthusiasm has rubbed off onto me. And I have lovely friends there who I’d love to meet.

Maybe one day we’ll get there.

I probably need to buy a lottery ticket!!

What is your go-to comfort food?
Hmmm….chocolate. Or cake. I’ll kill two birds with one stone and just say chocolate cake. In a mug in the microwave. (Needs to be gluten-free though)

Are you an early bird or a night owl (or neither)?
I used to be an early bird. Now I’m neither. I used to be up with the lark. Now I’m just up when I’m up, and back to bed or snoozing when I need to. In saying that, I’m more likely to be an early bird in the summer months because I do love to listen to the feathery early birds.

What is your favourite movie or tv series?
I have no particular favourite but I enjoy medical dramas, crime dramas or anything that makes me laugh. Oh and a good old rom-com.

Which is your favourite social media site/app and why?
I think Facebook is my favourite. People are able to connect there on a personal level. I am part of support groups on Facebook and have developed many real friendships over the years.

My Nominees for the Disability Blogger Award

The difficult part for me here is choosing nominees. I am part of a large chronic illness blogging community called Chronic Illness Bloggers. Over the last few months I have got to know several bloggers who I admire a lot. I see that some have already been nominated by Georgina.

Everyone I have met has been so supportive and helpful to each other. We might all have different health issues, but we all understand that life isn’t easy. There’s a connection and a willingness to share stories and reach out to other people in a similar situation. They try to bring awareness about their condition, and despite their health issues, their pain, their fatigue or their mental health, they try to help other people by writing.

Narrowing it down to 15 bloggers was difficult, so I will apologise now to the others I have missed. I think every person who blogs about disability, chronic illness, mental illness or special needs is pretty amazing.

Anyway, my fifteen :

Rebekah Gillian
A Journey Through the Fog
My Medical Musings
Invisibily Me
Collin’s IBD Chronicles
My Brain Lesion and Me
Tea and Cake for the Soul
Chronically Hopeful
Radical Self Love Collective
The Seated View
Chronic Illness – Realistic Optimism
40 & Over – Living with Fibromyalgia

Please do take a look at their blogs, follow and look them up on their social media pages.

My questions for my nominees

  1. If you didn’t have a health condition, but you still wanted to blog, what would be your niche?
  2. What is your favourite season and why?
  3. If you could time travel, which time would you travel to?
  4. Healthy salad or chocolate brownie?
  5. What’s the last book you read?
  6. If you ruled your country, what would be your first new law?
  7. What is your biggest pet peeve and why?
  8. What’s the favourite blog post you’ve written?

A wee note to my nominees. I appreciate all your blogs, but I also appreciate that health gets in the way of blogging, so there are no time constraints with this.

Thanks again to Georgina for the nomination.

I always appreciate comments and follows, and I’d love any of my readers to drop by to say hello on my social media pages – Twitter and Facebook

Sharing is caring

14 thoughts on “Disability Blogger Award by Chronillicles

  1. Woohoo, congratulations! This is a new award that I’d not come across before, I love it. Georgina sounds like a total badass, not only living with chronic illness but running a blog and still doing what she can with her outside interests. Definitely checking out her blog after I write this!

    I loved reading your responses. For what it’s worth, I think you could still write that book. I’ve wanted to write a book for so long but have never started, and although I’ve pretty much told myself it’ll never happen, one or two people have written to me through my blog to say I should give it a try. So I’m saying the same to you, if it were something you’d like to do in conjunction with your blog, as you have an aptitude for writing and oodles of insights and compassion for others. If not, your blog rocks so keep doing what you’re doing! 😀
    Chocolate would be my go-to comfort food, too. And NZ certainly would make for an incredible dream holiday. Never say never…

    Thank you so much for your kind nomination, that’s made me smile!  ♥
    Hope you’re having a low-pain, relaxing Easter weekend xx

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