About Me

I’m in my mid-fifties but, thanks to my pain, my body feels so much older than that.

I developed scoliosis (a curvature of my spine) when I was about ten years old. Initially, the orthopaedic surgeon said it was a cosmetic problem and no surgery was needed. But it wasn’t just a cosmetic problem. It started causing chronic back and rib pain when I was a teenager. The scoliosis worsened and when I was eventually referred to see a specialist, he could do nothing to help. My pain continued to worsen, became constant and eventually, when I was 28, I had to retire from work.

My back pain is chronic and disabling, but I live with another pain condition that is just as debilitating. Trigeminal neuralgia, which causes severe facial pain. For an unknown reason, the trigeminal nerves in my face send pain signals to my brain.

In 2017, I was diagnosed with the autoimmune condition, coeliac disease. My doctor was trying to get to the bottom of some of my pain and other issues and we were both surprised by a positive result of coeliac disease. This means that I can’t eat gluten. It can be challenging at times but I don’t have a choice as I would be ill if I consumed a tiny crumb of gluten.

I also have osteoporosis (diagnosed when I was about forty years old), arthritis, Reynaud’s and a few other problems.

Life with health problems is far from easy, but I do try to keep smiling. It can sometimes feel as though a huge cloud is always above, but I try to grasp any glimpses of sunshine and hold on to them.

I enjoy the small things in life and most of the time, I cope fairly well. But I’m not superhuman. I can have my wobbly moments. Or days. Or even weeks sometimes. But I normally manage to pick myself back up, put the smile back on my face and get back to enjoying life, despite my pain.

Sunflowers in a white vase sitting in front of a teal coloured wooden background.

A few years ago, I had an idea that I could write a book about coping with pain, so I started putting pen to paper. I hoped that some of my coping strategies might help other people. However, I realised that writing a book was a crazy idea that would never happen. But I still wanted to share my thoughts, so Despite Pain was born.

As my blog pages fill up, I’m sure I’ll be learning, as well as writing. It will be a journey for me. But I’m not too keen on travelling alone, so please click the follow button to join me here on my blog and on my social media pages.

Please, Pin and share my posts on your social media pages and drop me a comment – I love to hear what people think.

Thank you for taking the time to be here. I hope you have a good day today. If you’re in pain, I hope you have a good day, despite it.

Sharing is caring

15 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Pingback: I am not my pain – Despite Pain

  2. Pingback: Does Pain Steal Enjoyment from your Life? – Despite Pain

  3. Angel

    Thank you for sharing your story – it take a great deal of courage. Don’t give up on the book though; the greatest gifts to man came from crazy ideas. Wishing you the best and I look forward to reading more by you.

  4. Laurie

    It is enlightening to read your blog. Living with cronic pain myself I can totally understand. I’ve learned how importan it is to know you are not alone.
    Thank You for doing this blog.
    May you have a low pain day, Hugs!

  5. Pingback: There is More to Chronic Pain Than Just Pain – Despite Pain

  6. Looking forward to reading your articles. I live with chronic pain from fibromalygia and arthritis. I’m 51 but on a bad day I feel 91! It has altered every area of my life since it has gotten to a chronic level 8 years ago. I truly believe we are stronger together and can learn from each other. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    1. Hi Debbie, thank you for taking the time to comment. I agree with you that we can learn from each other and we’re definitely stronger together.
      Hope you’re having a low pain day.

  7. Aksel

    I’ve been doing research in the subject of pain. How people deal with different type of pains and what kind of tools or strategies they use to deal with them really interest me. It’s marvelous that you took a step to share your experiences and I certainly believe it’ll help people in the similar situation to feel less lonely.
    I hope you keep sharing more details about your experience.

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